Wednesday 15 December 2010

Wednesday 15.12

In today's lesson i was trying to convert all my videos to Final cut pro , but we are trying to fix the problem because i can't do anything now because we can't use final cut pro at the moment. So i probably need to use another cut video for example i movie would be a good alternative. But i also have a Apple at home so i think i can edit my film in my holidays as well and i will get a bit more footage.

Monday 13 December 2010


This is my Advert for my song , the background is the same like from my digipak but i edited a bit again , to make it look like a really advert.


This is my completed digipak , i think i have chosen the right backgrounds because my song is really sunny and i think the backgrounds are showing or telling something about the summer and surfing as well.

Monday 29 November 2010


I will start filming this week , i will film this week in my school or around my school , because it is the easiest location so i will finish all my filming around here. And after i finished filming in my school ,  i will start filming in London this will take a bit longer than filming in my school because it is not so easy to film directly in central London because it is so busy and full of people , but i will get this done by the next two weeks so that i will have a bit time for my editing as well!

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Story Board

I am nearly finished with my story board just need some more ideas i could use for my music video.
I thought it would be a good idea to take the story board paper with me all the time, because when i have a idea i can draw it directly so i will not lose the idea i had.

Monday 18 October 2010

The best male video

This was the best male video on the Mtv music awards

this is a really good music video in the song he is singing about his recovery from his last album relapse, hes talking about how hes leaving all those things behind him. his drug addiction, he rapping about it. That is also the music video like, you can see in the video he is kind of sad and he is singing really seriously, and this gives you a special feeling in the video. He is walking around New York (i think it is New york) and he is not afraid of anything, for example he is just walking across the street without looking at the street. I need to say i really like this video, and the song is also really good because the lyrics are really meaningful, and it is also really good that he won the best male music video price.

Best male video

This was the best rock video on the Mtv music awards.

I think the song is about someone finding faith. This person tried to govern his or her life without God, but they realized they needed both their spirituality and their individuality to live.

This is just my opinion, but I ascertain this from the past tense used in the refrain: "We WERE the kings and queens of promise," and the line, "Maybe the children of a lesser God between Heaven and Hell," meaning maybe God is just a figment of the imagination of several human beings on Earth (assuming Earth is located between Heaven and Hell).

The bridge is very suggestive of life after death: "The age of man is over... These lessons that we've learned here have only just begun." Then Leto switches into the present tense: "We are the kings/queens" suggesting he has found faith in God, but still maintains his individuality.

And it is also a really powerful video, because you see sometimes the people riding with their bikes and then again the singer, and the singer also singing really powerful and is singing really serious so the lyrics of the song make more sense in this case.

Best female video

This was the best female video on the Mtv music awards.
The reason why i put this video on here is because i can see a big difference between the style of the videos that are made from lady gaga and other artists. Because Lady Gaga is using a other style then other artists , because i think Lady Gaga is a bit freaked out and everyone likes here videos because you can see alot of weird stuff you normally not see in any kind of video. And it goes really to a young interested audience. And i think that is also the reason why she won with this video the best female, pop and the best video of the year.

Thursday 14 October 2010

Mtv Music awards

some weeks ago there was the Mtv music awards and they rewarded the best music videos at the moment and i will list the best videos now.
I will just list them up:
Best female video: Lady Gaga - Bad romance
Best rock video : 30 seconds to Mars - Kings and Queens
Best male video : Eminem - Not afraid
Best pop video : Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Best new artist : Justin Bieber
Video of the year : Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

I am putting it on here that you can see what the best videos are likely to be in today's time. And as you can see the most voted video here is Lady Gaga's Bad romance, because it is a really good video she just won 3 prices with only one video that is outstanding.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Digipak Biography

Today i will start a new page for my digipak , i will start today with the biography page. Because i cant finish my digipak cover because i need help with the guitar on my cover. And for that we need a book that my teacher will get in a couple of days. So i will start the biography now and i will make it look really sunny and kind of like a beach.

Monday 4 October 2010


Today i am working again on my digipak.
But i have some problems with my picture and my teachers are trying to help me but its really hard. Hopefully we get it fixed otherwise i need to think about a new digipak idea!

Tuesday 28 September 2010


I was thinking about a good name for my artist.
Because we cant or we are not able to use the real artists name.
So i think the best name would be Surf Johnson because, the normal name of the artist is "Jack Johnson" and he is a great surfer, so i just mixed it up to surf Johnson.
Because i dont want to use my own name as a artist or something else.

Wednesday 22 September 2010


The conventions of a music video vary depending on genre of music. However, some general conventions are: The artist is shown performing, the lyrics of the song influence what is shown in the video, the pace of editing fits the pace of the music, and the codes of dress reflect the mood of the song. And also it's normal in music videos that they use really quick cuts all the time, for example normally they don't have a scene what is longer then 5 seconds. But like i said it depends on which genre the video is. I think my video cuts are a bit slower then from house music videos. This is very important that the video cuts are flowing with the music and the music video at all.
Here is another interview with Jack Johnson.

Q: Where did you grow up?
A: On the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii

Q: When did you start playing guitar?
A: I started playing when I was 14.

Q: What was the first song you learned on the guitar?
A: I learned two at the same time: "One" by Metallica and "Father and Son" by Cat Stevens.

Q: What did you do before you put out Brushfire Fairytales?
A: I made surf films.

Q: What are some of your favorite Surf Movies?
A: The Seedling, Litmus, Filthy Habbits, Blazing Boards, Bunyip Dreaming, Green Iguana, and Endless Summer.

Q: Who are some of your (musical) influences?
A: I dig Nick Drake, The Beatles, Hendrix, Tribe Called Quest, Dylan, Ben Harper, Radio Head, G. Love and Special Sauce, Otis Redding, Neil Young, Marley, Kurosawa, Tom Curren and so on.

Q: List the 5 cds your listening to now?
A: any of the Trojan dub compilations, "Night Nurse" - Gregory Isaacs, "Yoshimi..." - Flamming Lips, "Giant Step" - Taj Mahal, and Mason Jennings.


Tuesday 21 September 2010

Jack Johnson movie

Also what is quiet interesting is that Jack Johnson also had kind of like a movie for himself. He played the music for the movie ''Curious George''. And also the movie got known because of this song, it was a really successful song and film that means it was a good combination. I think Jack Johnson was just perfect for this job to do the film music for Curious George because he is a good singer for this kind of films.

Jack Johnson - At or with me

This is the second one i will show you, this is a very funny new video.
I really like this video because it's very funny made because there is also a celebrity in the movie who is acting together with Jack Johnson it's American comedian Andy Samberg. This is normally not the kind of video Jack Johnson is doing but i like it and i think the fans two.

Jack Johnson - You and your heart

This is the first video i will show you its his new single and on his new album ''To the Sea''
I like this video pretty much because the video gives you a nice feeling, because you can see that Jack Johnson loves surfing and singing and you really can see the beauty of both in this video.

Jack Johnson new videos

Jack Johnson produced in the last time two more new videos of two of his songs.
I really like his two new videos and also his songs for the videos.
Both songs are of his new album ''To the Sea''.
I will post both videos in my next posts!
Hope you enjoy it.

Letter to the label


Brushfire records

Dear Jack Johnson

My name is Bastian Baltes and I am currently studying A-Level Media Studies at Aldenham School

As part of my coursework this year , I am creating and producing a music video to a song of my choice. I have chosen Never know by Jack Johnson as the song I would like to create a music video for, and I am writing this letter to seek your permission to do so.

Please note, this video will be used only for my coursework and will not be distributed or marketed in any form. I would greatly appreciate your permission to use this song.

Many Thanks,

Bastian Baltes

Monday 20 September 2010


Here are some things I think that would look pretty cool on the Digipak like i could use them for the front cover of my Digipak , or just put them on some of the sides of the Digipak.

I think the guitar is properly the most important thing i need for my music video, like i said before Jack Johnson is known to have always his guitar with himself and is always walking around with the guitar.




Now I started with some research for my Digipak.
i came up with some ideas and i picked three pictures , and i will take a look on them.
here are the three pictures , i will show as i think the first one is the best then the second one the second best and so on.




Thursday 16 September 2010

Jack Johnson interview

Here is a interview with Jack Johnson.
He also plays a acoustic version of ''Angels'' at the end of the interview.
I like the way Jack Johnson is talking he seems to be a really nice and good person.

Jack Johnson live

Here we can see Jack Johnson singing live Never know.


Surfing is a surface water sport.

Two major subdivisions within stand-up surfing are longboarding and shortboarding, reflecting differences in surfboard design including surfboard length, and riding style.

In tow-in surfing (most often, but not exclusively, associated with big wave surfing), a motorized water vehicle, such as a personal watercraft tows the surfer into the wave front, helping the surfer match a large wave's higher speed, a speed that is generally, but not exclusively a speed that a self-propelled surfer can not match.

Surfing-related sports such as paddleboarding and sea kayaking do not require waves, and other derivative sports such as kitesurfing and windsurfing rely primarily on wind for power, yet all of these platforms may also be used to ride waves.

Recently with the use of V-drive boats, wake surfing, riding the boat wake has emerged.

Black and white photo of surfer riding small wave
Surfing at Ormond Beach in Oxnard, California, in 1975
See also: History of surfing

Surfing was a central part of ancient Polynesian culture. Surfing was first observed by Europeans at Tahiti in 1767, by the crew members of the Dolphin. Later, Lieutenant James King wrote about the art[1] when completing the journals of Captain James Cook upon Cook's death in 1779. When Mark Twain visited Hawaii in 1866 he wrote,

"In one place we came upon a large company of naked natives, of both sexes and all ages, amusing themselves with the national pastime of surf-bathing."[2]

References to surf riding on planks and single canoe hulls are also verified for pre-contact Samoa, where surfing was called fa'ase'e or se'egalu (see Kramer, Samoa Islands) and Tonga.

 File:2010 mavericks competition.jpg



Acoustic guitars (and similar instruments) with hollow bodies, have been in use for over a thousand years. There are three main types of modern acoustic guitar: the classical guitar (nylon-string guitar), the steel-string acoustic guitar, and the archtop guitar. The tone of an acoustic guitar is produced by the vibration of the strings, which is amplified by the body of the guitar, which acts as a resonating chamber. The classical guitar is often played as a solo instrument using a comprehensive fingerpicking technique.




And also his music is known as acoustic it's a mix between soft rock and acoustic.
Here are some words about acoustic music.

Acoustic music comprises music that solely or primarily uses instruments which produce sound through entirely acoustic means, as opposed to electric or electronic means. The retronym "acoustic music" appeared after the advent of electric instruments, such as the electric guitar, electric violin, electric organ and synthesizer.

Performers of acoustic music often increase the volume of their output using electronic amplifiers. However, these amplification devices remain separate from the amplified instrument and reproduce its natural sound accurately. Often a condenser microphone is placed in front of an acoustic instrument which is then wired up to an amp. This is the most effective way of amplifying an acoustic instrument.

Following the increasing popularity of the television show MTV Unplugged during the 1990s, acoustic (though in most cases still electrically-amplified) performances by musical artists who usually rely on electronic instruments became colloquially referred to as "unplugged" performances.

Writing for Splendid, music reviewer Craig Conley suggests, "When music is labeled acoustic, unplugged, or unwired, the assumption seems to be that other types of music are cluttered by technology and overproduction and therefore aren't as pure."


Soft Rock

Jack Johnson's music is known as soft rock.
And here i will write a bit about the genre soft rock.

Soft rock is a style of music which uses the techniques of rock and roll (often combined with elements from folk rock and singer-songwriter pop) to compose a softer, more toned-down sound for listening. Soft rock songs generally tend to focus on themes like love, everyday life and relationships. The genre tends to make heavy use of acoustic guitars, pianos, synthesizers and sometimes saxophones. The electric guitars in soft rock are normally faint and high-pitched.


From the late 1960s it became common to divide mainstream rock music into soft and hard rock. Soft rock was often derived from folk rock, using acoustic instruments and putting more emphasis on melody and harmonies. Major artists included Carole King, Cat Stevens and James Taylor. It reached its commercial peak in the mid- to late- 70s with acts like Billy Joel, Chicago, America and the reformed Fleetwood Mac, whose Rumours (1977) was the best selling album of the decade.

Soft rock became hugely popular later in that decade. By 1977, some radio stations, like New York's WTFM and WYNY, had switched to an all-soft-rock format. By the 1980s, tastes had changed and radio formats reflected this change; the genre evolved into what came to be known as "adult contemporary", a pop categorization that bore less overt rock influence than its forebear.


Wednesday 15 September 2010

Jack Johnson - En Concert (DVD)

Jack Johnson - En Concert (DVD)
Release date: 23.10.2009

1. Chapter 1: Hit The Stage And Sleep Through The Static 05:18

2. Chapter 2: Credits ... Belle/Banana Pancakes 05:29

3. Chapter 3: Home Is Where The Love Is 05:19

4. Chapter 4: River Surfing 02:53

5. Chapter 5: Storm Rolls In On The Good People Of Munich 03:15

6. Chapter 6: Staple It Back Together 05:14

7. Chapter 7: Backstage In Amsterdam Into Flake 03:27

8. Chapter 8: Adam, Merlo, and Zach 03:06

9. Chapter 9: Mason Sings ...The Band Go On 04:20

10. Chapter 10: The Road To Newquay 06:18

11. Chapter 11: Rainbows Over The Airwaves Into Small Surf 03:16

12. Chapter 12: Drawing Our Own Constellations 04:13

13. Chapter 13: Sunshine Hits London 04:34

14. Chapter 14: Hope In Hyde Park 02:28

15. Chapter 15: Merlo Wasting Time 04:05

16. Chapter 16: It's High Tide Or Low Tide 06:02

17. Chapter 17: If I Had Eyes From London To Paris 02:01

18. Chapter 18: All At Once 06:46

19. Chapter 19: Angel/Better Together 05:55

Jack Johnson - A Broke Down Melody
 Jack Johnson - A Broke Down Melody
 Release date:

DVD Video
1. Catch A Fire 02:45

2. Take It All In 03:45

3. It's Not Rocket Science 02:48

4. Hack To The Future 04:42

5. The Kids From Jamaica 04:47

6. The Right Frame Of Mind 05:34

7. A Slow Fade (Chapter 7) 04:58

8. A Slow Fade (Chapter 8) 03:49

9. Fool's Gold 06:10

10. Cruise of the Tin Boat 03:17

11. These Kids 03:34

12. Fifty Hundred Surfers 02:50

13. One Surfer 02:49

14. Brokedown Credits 03:42

15. Needles In My Eyes 04:00

16. Untitled 01:05

17. The Road 02:27

18. Vuelvo Al Sur 05:52

19. A Brokedown Melody 03:35

Jack Johnson - A Weekend At The Greek (Dvd)

Jack Johnson - A Weekend At The Greek
Release date: 18.11.2005

DVD Video (9) 1
1. In Between Dreams Medley 07:57

2. Never Know 03:42

3. Taylor 03:50

4. Posters 03:50

5. Gone 02:10

6. From Cuba To Tribe 01:11

7. Sitting, Waiting, Wishing 04:37

8. Flake 04:13

9. The Openers 02:49

10. The Accordion Set (Belle/Banana) 04:56

11. Breakdown With Dan Leibowitz 05:19

12. I Never Intended To Have Songs That Said La-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da 04:43

13. Sad To Know You Are Wasting My Time 04:25

14. Staple It Together With Money Mark 03:15

15. If I Could With Money Mark 03:15

16. Inaudible Melodies 03:21

17. Rodeo Clowns With G Love 05:14

18. Mudfootball With G Love 04:08

19. Plastic Jesus / Fall Line / Spring Wind 05:01

20. No Other Way 03:53

21. Better Together 04:44

22. Girl I Wanna Lay You Down With ALO (Credits) 04:52

23. Ping Pong 00:44

24. Constellations 04:38

25. Telegraph Ave (Rainbow) 04:02

26. Matt Costa (Fall Line / Sunshine / Astair) 08:08

27. Renault 02:35

28. ALO (Walls of Jericho) 06:32

29. Symbol In My Driveway 02:43

30. Good People 04:02

DVD Video (9) 2

1. Backstage Pancakes 01:49

2. Konichiwa 02:24

3. The Train To Osaka 07:15

4. Here's A Song If There Are Any Surfers In The House 02:36

5. Group Therapy 04:09

6. Tickets With Toshi 01:21

7. Show Me The Money 10:30

8. Too Much Information 03:00

9. City of Tents 03:36

10. The Times They Are Like These 02:54

11. Credits Featuring The Silhouette of G Love 03:42

Jack Johnson - Dvd's

Jack Johnson also has made some Dvd's about his music.
You can see him live on stage on some other really good things about a genius like Jack Johnson.

Jack Johnson - To The Sea
 Jack Johnson - To The Sea
Release date: 28.05.2010

 1. You And Your Heart 03:13

2. To The Sea 03:30

3. No Good With Faces 03:31

4. At Or With Me 03:58

5. When I Look Up 00:58

6. From The Clouds 03:06

7. My Little Girl 02:21

8. Turn Your Love 03:12

9. The Upsetter 03:50

10. Red Wine, Mistakes, Mythology 04:03

11. Pictures Of People Taking Pictures 03:20

12. Anything But The Truth 02:54

13. Only The Ocean 03:40

Jack Johnson - En Concert
Jack Johnson - En Concert
Release date: 23.10.2009

1. Belle / Banana Pancakes 06:19

2. If I Had Eyes 04:11

3. Do You Remember / Remember - Santa Barbara, CA 03:46

4. Sleep Through The Static - Paris, France

5. Flake 05:27

6. Bubble Toes / Express Yourself 04:18

7. Wasting Time 05:01

8. What You Thought You Need 03:57

9. Country Road 02:58

10. Staple It Together - San Diego, CA 04:02

11. Sitting, Waiting, Wishing - Barcelona, Spain 03:25

12. Constellations 03:31

13. The Horizon Has Been Defeated / Mother and Child Reunion - Manchester, TN 04:23

14. Good People - Manchester, TN 03:36

15. All At Once 03:45

16. Gone - Morrisson, CO 02:08

17. Home - Honolulu, HI 03:17

18. Times Like These 02:20

19. Angel / Better Together 06:13

Jack Johnson - Sleep Through The Static

Jack Johnson - Sleep Through The Static 
Release date: 04.07.2008

CD 1
1. All At Once 03:38

2. Sleep Through The Static 03:43

3. Hope 03:42

4. Angel 02:03

5. Enemy 03:48

6. If I Had Eyes 03:59

7. Same Girl 02:11

8. What You Thought You Need 05:27

9. Adrift 03:56

10. Go On 04:35

11. They Do, They Don't 04:10

12. While We Wait 01:26

13. Monsoon 04:17

14. Losing Keys 04:28

CD 2
1. Hope 04:54

2. Losing Keys 03:36

3. Monsoon 04:25

4. Angel 03:31

5. They Do, They Don't 04:44
6. Hope 03:34

7. Sleep Through The Static / I Love You And Buddha Too 03:44

8. Enemy 03:30

9. Adrift 03:05

Jack Johnson - Sleep Through The Static

Jack Johnson - Sleep Through The Static
Release date: 15.02.2008

LP 1
1. All At Once 03:38

2. Sleep Through The Static 03:43

3. Hope 03:42

4. Angel 02:03

LP 2
1. What You Thought You Need 05:27

2. Adrift 03:56

3. Go On 04:35 

Jack Johnson - Sleep Through The Static
Jack Johnson - Sleep Through The Static
Release date: 01.02.2008

1. All At Once 03:38

2. Sleep Through The Static 03:43

3. Hope 03:42

4. Angel 02:03

5. Enemy 03:48

6. If I Had Eyes 03:59

7. Same Girl 02:11

8. What You Thought You Need 05:27

9. Adrift 03:56

10. Go On 04:35

11. They Do, They Don't 04:10
12. While We Wait 01:26

13. Monsoon 04:17

14. Losing Keys 04:28

Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
Jack Johnson - In Between Dreams
Release date: 28.02.2005

1. Better Together 03:30

2. Never Know 03:33

3. Banana Pancakes 03:12

4. Good People 03:29

5. No Other Way 03:10

6. Sitting, Waiting, Wishing 03:04

7. Staple It Together 03:16

8. Situations 01:17

9. Crying Shame 03:06

10. If I Could 02:25

11. Breakdown 03:33

12. Belle 01:43

13. Do You Remember 02:24

14. Constellations 03:22

Jack Johnson - On and on

Jack Johnson - On and on
Release date: 28.07.2003

1. Times Like These 02:21
2. The Horizon Has Been Defeated 02:32

3. Traffic In The Sky 02:50

4. Taylor 03:59

5. Gone 02:08

6. Cupid 01:06

7. Wasting Time 03:50

8. Holes To Heaven 02:54

9. Dreams Be Dreams 02:13

10. Tomorrow Morning 02:50

11. Fall Line 01:34

12. Cookie Jar 02:56

13. Rodeo Clowns 02:37

14. Cocoon 04:11

15. Mediocre Bad Guys 03:00

16. Symbol In My Driveway 02:51

Tuesday 14 September 2010

jack Johnson - Brushfire Fairytales

Jack Johnson - Brushfire Fairytales
Release date: 26.03.2002

1. Inaudible Melodies 03:35

2. Middle Man 03:15

3. Posters 03:14

4. Sexy Plexi 02:08

5. Flake 04:41

6. Bubble Toes 03:57

7. Fortunate Fool 03:49

8. The News 02:26

9. Drink The Water 03:22

10. Mudfootball (For Moe Lerner) 03:04

11. F-Stop Blues 03:10

12. Losing Hope 03:53

13. It's All Understood 05:28
this are the lyrics of my song never know.

I heard this old story before
Where the people keep killing for the metaphors
Don't leave much up to the imagination,
So I, wanna give this imagery back
But I know it just ain't so easy like that
So, I turn the page and read the story again
And again and again
It sure seems the same, with a diff. name
We're breaking and rebuilding
And we're growing
Always guessing

Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're Clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
Were trying but where is this all leading
Never Know

It all happened so much faster
Than you could say disaster
Wanna take a time lapse
And look at it backwards
From the last one
And maybe thats just the answer
That we're after
But after all
We're just a bubble in a boiling pot
Just one breath in a chain of thought
The moments just combusting
Feel certain but we'll never never know
Just seems the same
Give it a diff. name
We're beggin and we're needing
And we're trying and we're breathing

Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're Clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
Helping, we're building
And we're growing
Never Know

Knock knock on the door to door
Tell ya that the metaphor is better than yours
And you can either sink or swim
Things are looking pretty grim
If you don't believe in what this one feeding
Its got no feeling
So I read it again
And again and again
Just seems the same
Too many different names
Our hearts are strong our heads are weak
We'll always be competing never knowing

Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're Clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
But the truth is
All we got is questions
We'll Never Know
Never Know
Never Know

Jason Mraz

And here is the most famous song made by Jason Mraz.
This song was for a couple of month in the top 10 and was a very good sommer song.

Jason Mraz

Jason Thomas Mraz born June 23, 1977 is an American singer-songwriter, born and raised in Mechanicsville, Virginia. Mraz's stylistic influences include reggae, pop, rock, folk, jazz, bossa nova and hip hop.

Mraz released his debut album, Waiting for My Rocket to Come, which contained the hit single "The Remedy (I Won't Worry)", in 2002, but it was not until the release of his second album, Mr. A-Z that Mraz achieved commercial success. The album peaked at number five on the Billboard Hot 200 and sold over one hundred thousand copies in the US. In 2008, Mraz released his third studio album, We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things. The album debuted at number three on the Billboard 200 and was a commercial success worldwide, peaking in the top ten of many international charts. Mraz's international breakthrough came with the release of the first single from the album, "I'm Yours". The single peaked at number six on the Billboard Hot 100, giving Mraz his first top ten single. The song was on the Hot 100 for 76 weeks, beating the previous record of 69 weeks held by LeAnn Rimes' "How Do I Live". The song was a huge commercial success in the US, receiving a 5x platinum certification from the RIAA for sales of over five million. The song was successful internationally, topping the charts in New Zealand and Norway and peaking in the top ten of multiple international charts.


Donavon Frankenreiter

And here is a famous song made by Donavon Frankenreiter.

Donavon Frankenreiter

Donavon Frankenreiter, born December 10, 1972, in Downey, California, is an American musician and surfer. He is a long-time friend of Jack Johnson and his debut self-titled album was released in 2004 on Johnson's Brushfire Records through Universal Music and made the Australian ARIA Top-40 charts in April 2004.


Surfer and singer

Jack Johnson is not the only one who is a surfer and a singer.
It seems to be a good mix to be a surfer and a singer for many.
for example here are two very famous surfer and singer in the next two posts.

Monday 13 September 2010

Jack Johnson personal life

Here a bit about his personal life.
On July 22, 2000, Johnson married his college sweetheart Kim. They have three children, two boys and a girl. Johnson lives on the North Shore of the island of Oahu in Hawai'i.

Johnson's professional career began after befriending G. Love on a day of surfing. G. Love would later record Johnson's song "Rodeo Clowns" for his 1999 album Philadelphonic. Johnson sang and played on the track, and it became the first single from the album.

Johnson then co-directed Thicker Than Water, a documentary surf film released in 2000. He also composed the accompanying soundtrack.

Johnson's four-track music demo soon caught the ear of Ben Harper's producer, J. P. Plunier, who worked with Johnson on his debut album Brushfire Fairytales in early 2001 with Harper and his Weissenborn lap steel guitar making a guest appearance. Brushfire Fairytales was released on February 1, 2001.

In 2002, Johnson, along with his wife Kim and friend Emmett Malloy, created Brushfire Records (originally as The Moonshine Conspiracy Records) to release soundtracks for surf films made by The Moonshine Conspiracy (now Woodshed Films), of which Johnson was a part.

He directed and starred in the surf film The September Sessions, released in December 2002. The soundtrack also featured Johnson.

Johnson went back into the studio with Adam Topol (drums, percussion) and Merlo Podlewski (bass), who played on Brushfire Fairytales, and Mario Caldato Jr on production duties, to record his second full-length album On and On. It was the first album to be recorded at Johnson's Mango Tree Studio in Johnson's home town of North Shore, Oahu, and the first to be released through The Moonshine Conspiracy Records. On and On was released on May 6, 2003. Johnson credits most of his inspiration for this album from childhood friend Andrew Brown

Johnson performing at the Austin City Limits Festival 2004.Johnson starred in the 2004 surf film A Brokedown Melody.

In October 2004, Johnson returned to the Mango Tree Studio with Topol and Podlewski along with Zach Gill (of Animal Liberation Orchestra) playing accordion, melodica and piano, to record his follow-up to 2003's On and On. In Between Dreams was released on March 1, 2005.

Sing-A-Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George is a soundtrack album by Johnson, released on February 7, 2006. The album also features Adam Topol, Ben Harper, G. Love, Kawika Kahiapo, Matt Costa, Merlo Podlewski and Zach Gill. It was the first soundtrack to make it to number 1 since the Bad Boys II soundtrack in August 2003 and was the first soundtrack for an animated film to top the Billboard 200 since the Pocahontas soundtrack in July 1995.

Johnson enlisted J.P. Plunier to produce his fourth full-length studio album, Sleep Through the Static. It was recorded using 100% solar energy at the Solar-Powered Plastic Plant studio in Los Angeles. The album featured Gill (keys), Podlewski (bass) and Topol (drums, percussion). Sleep Through the Static was released on February 1, 2008 and was followed by a world tour.

A live album and DVD of Johnson's 2008 world tour, entitled En Concert, was released on October 27, 2009.The DVD was directed by Emmett Malloy.

Johnson produced Animal Liberation Orchestra's fifth studio album, Man of the World, which was released February 9, 2010. The album also features vocals from Johnson.

On 1 February 2010, Johnson's official website announced that his fifth studio album, To the Sea, was in the recording process at the Mango Tree Studio, with a planned worldwide release during the first week of June 2010.The website also announced an accompanying European, Australian and New Zealand tour to coincide with the album's release on midnight 31 May.

The first single from his To the Sea album is "You and Your Heart", released on April 6, 2010.

While speaking with New Zealand radio station ZM, Johnson said he is constantly aiming to build relationships with local pro-environment, non-profit groups. "We try to raise money for a lot of these groups who are doing positive things in the community. We try to focus mostly on environmental education, just trying to get kids out into nature, supporting local farms and things like that."

Jack Johnson performing at the austin city limits festival 2004


Jack Johnsons early life

Johnson was born and raised on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii. The son of well-known surfer Jeff Johnson, he took an interest in the sport from a young age - he began surfing at the age of 5. At 17, he became the youngest invitee to make the surfing finals at the Pipeline Masters on Oahu's north shore. One week later, however, his brief stint as a professional surfer ended when he suffered a surfing accident at the Pipeline that put over 150 stitches in his forehead and knocked a few of his teeth out.

Jack Johnson graduated from Kahuku High School on the North Shore of Oahu. He attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, and graduated with a degree in film.

While in college, he developed his passion for music, and played rhythm guitar for the party band Soil (not to be confused with the Heavy Metal band Soil). Johnson credits his songwriting influences as Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Radiohead, Otis Redding, G. Love and Special Sauce, Nick Drake, Ben Harper, The Beatles, Bob Marley, Neil Young, and A Tribe Called Quest.


Jack Johnson overview

Jack Hody Johnson (born May 18, 1975) is a singer-songwriter, surfer, filmmaker and musician known for his work in the soft rock and acoustic genres. In 2001, he achieved commercial success after the release of his debut album, Brushfire Fairytales. He has since released four more albums, a number of EPs and surfing movies/soundtracks. He is also known for organizing an annual event, the Kōkua Festival. He currently has sold 8 million albums worldwide. His highest–selling album is Sing-A-Longs and Lullabies for the Film Curious George, with 4 million albums shipped worldwide, due to the success of the 2006 Curious George film. He resides in Hawaii.

Jack Johnson not just a singer.

Jack johnson is not just a brilliant song writer and singer , he is also an excellent surfer.
he's one of the best surfers in the world and for some people also one of the best singers in the world but everyone has his own taste of music.
here we have for example jack johnson where he plays guitar and is singing where propably the most guys will recognise him.(L.) and also a picture were he's surfing.(R.)

things i need

This are some things i really need to make my movie better and more realistic:
1. i really need an actor who can act very happy , he doesen't need to be a world class actor but he need to bring the happiness to the viewer.
2.And the actor have to look a bit like a surfer boy , so we need like a surfer outfit for the actor to make it very realistic.
3. We need a guitar because in the whole song you can hear a guitar and in all of his songs he is always running around with a guitar so thats propably the most importent point here.
Thats the song i will make a movie for.
I think it's a really quick and powerfull song.
i have alot of good ideas at the moment to make a very good music video for this song.

Jack Johnson - Never know